Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Minor Update: Things I've seen out my window

Cop car pulls up to the sidewalk but keeps driving past our building. A few minutes later, a cop on a super-segway speeds up to this other car (this isn't the standard mall cop segway...it was fast and white, and bigger.) My intern twin (seriously, this girl is from Duluth and went to the same place for undergrad...weirdness) and I decided it was time for our afternoon stroll through the neighborhood (yes, we go out almost every day. No, I don't feel the need to carry a gun).

Naturally we decide to turn up the block and head towards the cop car. Segway cop is having a bit of a conversation with car-cop. Car-cop is holding a clipboard with a green sheet of paper on it. Segway cop is wearing a bulletproof vest. We decided we shouldn't linger too close.

We continue up the block to the corner, turning around frequently to get a good view of what's happening. Car-cop goes up to the door and knocks. Segway cop moves and sits at the same corner we're at. We feel like it's best to wait for the light rather than j-walk. I turn and look across the street, and, wouldn't you know, just around the corner is another cop car with 4 officers milling around it.

My guess is that they were serving a warrant on someone and wanted back up (and bulletproof vests) close at hand.

Just another day on Park Ave.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Major Update: Things I've Seen Out My Window At Work

Domestic Dispute.

So yellow-shirt man, white-dress woman, and child are walking down the street. Pick-up truck pulls over and white-shirt man and track-suit woman jump out. Loud argument ensues. White-shirt man rips off his shirt. We call the cops.

Police show up surprisingly fast. There seems to be a dispute over who owns the kid. Lots of yelling, white-dress woman points at elbow (abuse?). Cops pull kid aside, kid points to yellow shirted man, cops let girl go back over by yellow-shirt man and white dress woman. More yelling. Cops tell track-suit woman and white-shirt man to get in the truck. They do. There is a lot of phone calls happening, with the police talking to various people on cell phones owned by white-dress woman and white-shirt man.

Truck drives off after cops get ID info and take notes. Yellow-shirt man, white dress woman, and child get into the back of the squad car. Police drive off.

I should add that this whole process lasted about 45 minutes. Everyone in the office was glued to the window throughout the duration of the fight, and we were highly disappointed in the FedEx delivery man who came up, but didn't hear enough to tell us what was going on. Moral of the story, if you're delivering a box to a building and there's a major fight going on, slow down and hear some dirt!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Things I've Seen Out My Window

Ahh, working above the mean streets of south Minneapolis. Needless to say, I've witnessed some head scratchers. Here's the list so far (minus things I've already forgotten)

1. Man in full on Tux, complete with tails, walking up the sidewalk carrying a white briefcase.

2. Car with round hole punched into the front bumper. I have no clue how this really happened, but I like to think he ran into Thumbelina on a miniature horse. It is a little known fact that Thumbelina is a knight and carries a lance the size of a large pipe. She uses it to joust against cars, or she did once anyway. I know how it ended for the car, not so sure how Thumbelina turned out.

3. Speaking of Cars, there's currently a car parked out front with a large oval shaped indent in the hood. It really is almost a perfect oval, so I doubt it was caused by a person falling on it, but one can dream.

4. A 12 year old (looking) kid dealing drugs from his bike.

5. I didn't witness this one, but my office mate came in rather early today and spotted a prostitute get into a car with a John.

6. The best ever. Figure out what happened here: Van is parked out front. Cop car pulls up behind the van. Cop 1 gets out, brings some papers over to driver of an old van. Not a mini van, an actual van. Cop 2 gets out, his hand casually resting on his gun, and positions himself on the other side of the car. Man gets out, argues with cops. Man walks just fine (this is relevant later) Lots of arm waving. Man signs papers (search warrant?), using the back of the van as a desk. Man opens van. Cops remove a wheel chair from the back of the van. Cops fold the wheel chair and put it in the trunk of the cop car. Man signs more papers. Man walks off down the street. Apparently, he isn't being arrested. Tow truck comes and takes the car (impound?). Cops leave after tow truck.

7. (heard, not seen) Someone yelling like Tarzan. Yes I did hear this on the second floor through the closed windows.

8. Random sock lying on the sidewalk.

9. Group walking down the street. Man wearing jeans so low that they were literally below his butt. No boxers, just tighty-whiteys. Other members of the party were relatively normal. Relatively. Seriously tempted to run after him to ask how they stay "up."

10. Santa. Seriously. Santa is on vacation in South Minneapolis. He just walked past wearing jean shorts, a grey t-shirt, and a black beanie. I managed to resist the temptation of running outside to ask for a pony...or a job.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Taste of Things to Come

So, I've been busy settling into my new abode in MN, performing bridesmaid duties, working, making friends with police detectives, and, naturally, lying around doing nothing. Needless to say (since you can see the date of my last post as well as I can), I haven't gotten around to updating this space. I know, I know. I'm horrible with it. However, I would like to take the time to brainstorm some idea for exciting blog posts that I might start working on this weekend. In no particular order:

1. The year of republican women? What does this mean for Democrats?
2. Hillary Clinton (because I never get tired of talking about how wonderful my hero is)
3. Sen. Robert Byrd
4. The new Wonder Woman and feminism
5. How much I love the library
6. Family Law in MN, because I FINALLY have a job where I can actually discuss what I'm doing. Yay for not having attorney-client privileges messing up my blogging!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No, I Won't Ever Let It Go

Ok, if you know me at all you know I am somewhat obsessed with Hillary Clinton. I took off school in DC to fly home to MN to caucus for her in the primary. I campaigned for her in some fashion in 6 states and the District. I have t-shirts, books, sweat-shirts, hats, bags, The Nutcracker, the comic book, campaign signs, pins, everything but that really expensive DVD that I couldn't afford (still a little bitter. Oh well, someday I'll be rich and I'll find it on ebay). Actually, obsessed might be too weak a word.

Needless to say, the primaries are never far from my mind. So, I was working on this paper/presentation for my health care reform class. I opted to compare state-initiated reforms in 2 states: Massachusetts and West Virginia. I'm looking at the social, political, and economic differences in the states and trying to use that data to explain the different reform paths each state is taking. (Short version: MA is rich, white-collar liberals who went with an insurance mandate and state based insurance system; WV is poor, unhealthy, leans moderate/conservative and opted for a very slow piecemeal reform package that did not involve state based insurance or a mandate)

Anyway, since WV passed their reform plan in 2009 and MA passed theirs in 2006, I figured I'd use the 2004 and 2008 presidential results as a way to show political affiliation in the (10 minute) oral presentation. The statistics are quick, to the point, and don't take a lot of explaining. Given what a powerful year it was for Democrats, I expected Obama to have out-performed Kerry in Massachusetts. Nope. They nabbed the exact same percentage of the vote--62%.

In West Virginia, I expected Kerry to have out-performed Obama. After all. WV went strongly for Hillary (of course, so did Massachusetts, but WV knocked it out of the park for her). The really clincher for me was the discussion of the "racism factor" in the WV primary. It was all over the news: Clinton won because West Virginians are racist. The pundits were yelling it from all the blogs and all the "news" shows. CNN was even selling "headline t-shirts" reading "Clinton Should Reject White, Racist Vote." (Objectivity Fail). Anyway, given all the hype, I really expected Kerry to outperform Obama. I mean, wouldn't all those racist West Virginia democrats vote for McCain? Or, at the very least, stay home? Maybe not all of them, but a good percentage. I checked the 2008 and 2004 results and guess what I found? WV looked a lot like MA. In 2004, Bush won West Virginia 56-43%. In 2008, McCain won West Virginia 56-43%.

Now, I lived in WV for a time, and I'll be the first to admit that racism is alive and well there. I'm pretty convinced that it is alive and well everywhere. Maybe party trumps race in a general election but not a primary (where the candidates are rather similar politically). Maybe all the racist Democrats in West Virginia woke up sometime in September and decided that racism was old news. I don't know, but, honestly, the results make me question the racism hype. Maybe, just maybe, West Virginians are no more racist than any other voters; they're just more willing to say stupid things about it on TV. If that's the case, then I think the media owes the state an apology.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Beware the Kamikaze Prius

Yes yes yes, I was going to use the more modern 'beware of kamikaze prius(es?)" but the phrasing seemed to call for a plural and I just couldn't figure out the plural of Prius. Apparently, some people have suggested Prii, Priuses, or Priora. One Latin expert announced that the plural should be Priora (masculine) or Priores (feminine). Here's a link to the exact same thing I just said if you don't trust me.

Anyway, back to my original idea. I've always said that my Prius is smarter than I am (and I'm rather bright, to say the least). My car knows when I approach and unlocks as soon as I grab the handle. It turns on when I'm in the car without me having to pull out my keys. When I try to lock my keys in the car or forget to turn the car off (this happens with surprising frequency), my Prius yells at me. It tells me all kinds of useful things and the car wheels on the cute little engine diagram even spin when my wheels are rolling! Really, this car is a genius.

I don't know about you, but I've always been a little suspicious of technology that's smarter than the people who use it. (Wasn't there a movie about that going horribly wrong?) However, I believe Priores (I have elected the feminine form based on the cars' obvious intellectual superiority) are essentially good and noble cars. In fact, they are down right self-sacrificing--willing to hurl themselves into oblivion for the sake of the human race. These brave Kamikaze Priores have decided that their owners are unworthy of life, and have valiantly attempted to save humanity from them. (Cue oh my god you're making fun of the dead hate mail)

Here's the thing. Old people are a drain on society. Sure, we tend to be sentimentally attached to them and they provide wisdom and all that wonderful stuff (I admittedly don't want any of MY old people to kick the bucket in the near future), but think like an economist. Once retired, most don't create anything productive. They tend not to spend a lot of money (never know when you're going to die, so you can't spend all that fixed income in one place, plus they've already accumulated a ton of stuff), they're a total drain on our government (we could so easily balance the budget if we dumped medicare and social security), and they tend to drive annoying slow (I really hate slow drivers. If you ever want to witness crazy road rage, take a drive around charlottesville with me).

Why am I harping on old people when talking about Kamikaze Priores? Because Kamikaze Priores seem to have something against old people as well. Of the 24 runaway Prius drivers whose age was reported, 16 were over the age of 50. That 2/3rds of the drivers were over the age of 50 is kind of staggering when you consider that (as of 2007, the latest year I could find numbers for) only 23% of Prius drivers were over the age of 50. Yes, 24 cases is a small sample size, but when you only have 50 some cases to start with...

As if I needed more excuses to keep driving my (for now) non-Kamikaze Prius, here's another one. Apparently, at least 2 of these stories were total crap. That stint out in California? Yeah...the Federal Government couldn't find anything wrong with that Prius. Plus that guy's story was all over the place. He didn't want to shift down because (he claimed) he was afraid to take his hands off the steering wheel, yet he was talking to 911 on his cell phone? Ok, maybe he had a bluetooth conveniently in place and voice commands on his cell phone so he could just tell it to call 911, but then he said he "reached" down to tug on the accelerator which was stuck. You reached down to play with your pedals but moving your hand 3 inches to grasp the nob on your right to change gears was too scary? Sure. If you buy that, I have some ocean front property in Iowa to sell you...Here's an interesting article from Forbes about this guy. He seems slightly less than trustworthy, to say the least.

Anyway, right after that, one of those darn Kamikaze Priores struck again, this time in NY. Once again, federal investigators took a look at the car and it seems that the (56 year old) driver never applied the brakes (you know, those things that slow/stop your car...) and that the throttle was fully open when the driver crashed into a wall. Luckily, no one was seriously injured (the driver bumped up her knee, poor lady). Generally, braking systems in modern cars are much more powerful than the engines. If your brakes and your engine are in a fight, your car will slow down (assuming your breaks are properly maintained.) Actually, the Prius is designed to AUTOMATICALLY TURN OFF if your break and accelerator pedals are floored at the same time (thus saving the engine and the breaks and your neck. The first two are certainly good things, the last depends on the driver).

Yeah, so needless to say, I'm still driving my precious Prius. Why? Because: 1. Despite my attempts to lock my keys in my car, I think my car believes that I am a sufficiently productive member of society. 2. I'm not old. Either old people hate Priores or Priores hate old people. 3. I kind of think these runaway prius reports are filed a bunch of people either seeking their 15 minutes of fame or blaming the cars for their own mistakes. No matter what, my bases seem to be covered.

Don't get me wrong though, if I crash into something (or get pulled over at 90 mph), I'm totally blaming my car. At the very least, Toyota or the government will buy my totaled car in order to test it. Anyway, if the government is willing to hit Toyota with a ridiculously large fine for not reporting the "defect," surely they'll believe me when I tell them I tried to stop. I would like to take a second to note that the Government owns a large portion of one of Toyota's largest competitors and FEDERAL INVESTIGATORS COULDN'T FIND ANYTHING WRONG WITH THE CAR. I'm usually all about the government, but the fine seems a bit ridiculous, no?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What the US can learn from the UK

I'm a political junkie. There is no denying this. I spend more time reading political blogs then I spend reading law text books, and my GPA here somewhat reflects this. Luckily, I go to a really good law school and have 0 interest in working for a fancy law firm, so who cares if my GPA is somewhat mediocre, someone posted something new on HuffPo!

Anyway, I was on drudge today and I came across an article from the TimesOnline, aka, a British paper. I LOVE British commentary. It's fun, it's witty, and it's scathing. Yes, Maureen Dowd has earned her nickname, "the Queen of Mean," but that's all. She's mean. Every once in awhile she'll throw in a witty line. Key word being "a." Witty pieces are much more common among the Brits, and I love it. I could read it all day. Anyway, here is one rather well written view of the health care summit.

Also, Prime Minister Question Time. We need to create an American version of this. Let me sum it up, a certain Supreme Court Justice making faces or an over eager Congressmen shouting "you lie" would be considered polite behavior at PMQT. Basically, the Prime Minister has to sit in parliament, justify his/her actions, and be completely abused by the members EVERY WEEK that parliament is in session. In fairness, the PM gets to fire back, enjoy. Good times had by all.
I can't promise that such a plan would promote bipartisanship. Then again, the current system of polite collegiality has failed to produce bipartisanship in recent years. It would be highly entertaining and might even improve c-span's ratings. That would be a win in itself.

Here's a link to a youtube clip of PMQT so you can fully appreciate the cheers, the boos, the cat calls, and the obnoxious/insulting questions. Love it!

Monday, February 8, 2010

The difference between a lawyer and a life coach

I'm one of those annoying people that has always liked giving advice. I like to help my friends write papers, sort out their love lives, plan for the future, whatever needs doing. I like being the one that people call because they know I'll listen and help.

Sometimes, I think I should have gone to school to be a therapist or a teacher, some career where I could help people develop. Instead, I went to law school. Do you want to know why?

Because sometimes I just like to tell people to suck it up and move on. Sometimes, I'd rather just step in and fix people's problems rather than helping them discover the truth for themselves. Ultimately, lawyers are just really expensive problem solvers...really expensive problem solvers with a reputation for being assholes. That's why I want to be a lawyer. I get to help people and I get to sue their asses. The best of both worlds.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Karma. What is the world trying to tell me? At first, I thought it was that I should go to the gym more often. More often, by the way, means I should go to the gym. The snow accumulations here are pretty impressive. Not really as high as last time, but pretty impressive all the same.

More impressive, is the sheer weight of the snow. One roof in Charlottesville has already caved in. There have already been some power outages in the area (not my place, thankfully), and I would surmise that more outages will happen as the snow/sleet that's piling up starts brining down tree limbs and power cords. Fun times.

Shoveling this stuff is painful, as my back and shoulders keep reminding me. To make it even more fun, having learned from last time, I'm flinging the snow as far as possible. By the time this snow ends, I'm going to run out of places to shovel it into. My options being, shovel snow really far now while I'm only moderately sore or shovel it up and over a massive mound when I'm totally exhausted. So, yes, the world might be telling me that I need to hit the gym more than once a decade (Actually, I went 4 times in the past decade...all thanks to the guilt of living directly across from the gym at GW). Of course, I can't really get to the gym with the mass of snow every where and the idiots trying to navigate in it, so that can't be it.

Then, I had another thought. This is about the billionth time that I've been stopped from bringing a bunch of stuff to the SPCA thrift store. Seriously, I have 3 bags of stuff sitting in the car waiting for a saturday when the roads are actually clear enough to use. Maybe the world hates it when people donate goods to cute fluffy animals.

But that just doesn't seem right. So maybe the world is telling me I need to clean my apartment. If so, the world is right. It's rather disgusting, even by my standards. This paper that I had to write, coupled with being sick, coupled with a general dislike of cleaning has left me with an apartment I would be scared to let a health inspector into. The problem with this theory is that I am still a bit sick, sore from shoveling, and slightly overwhelmed by the sheer volume of dishes, laundry, and general scrubbing that needs to be done. If the world is trying to tell me to clean, it took a really shitty approach.

So, I've decided. The wold is not telling me to work out, stop donating to charity, or clean. The world, it turns out, is telling me to hurl myself down a hill on a "sled," build a snow fort in my front yard, go swinging and jump of the swing into a pile of snow, and generally do my best to ensure that this cold I have gets worse and last another week. The world, as it turns out, has a thing for germs and viruses. Live and let live, that's what I always say. Anyway, I was talking to the old woman living next door mentioned that we're piling up as much snow this year as back in 1996. I remember 1996, it was awesome. It was the kind of childhood fun you never forget. But, alas, I'm getting old and my memories are cloudy. Clearly it's time for some new winter storm memories. Off to the snow!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I know this may shock some people, but there are things I miss about Duluth. For instance, I totally miss the fact that grocery stores in Duluth expect you to bag your own damn groceries. As I was buying food to make my sick self feel better, I politely asked the woman doing the bagging to use paper instead of plastic and to fill the reusable bag that I had brought with me first.

She started mumbling about "difficult" customers and then proceeded to put my apples (honeycrisp!) below some cans of soup. Then, when I asked her to put the fruit on top, she glared at me. WTF? If you don't like your job, quit or take a break or something. Trust me, I'd rather do it myself anyway.

I considered finding a manager, but I was sick and tired and I wanted to go home and make cupcakes. Instead, I breathed on each of the remaining items I had to send down the track. After all, I already have my own germs. No worries there. I figure I'll leave it up to fate. Maybe she had a really shitty day too, and the gods of Karma won't make her sick because everyone has an off day. Maybe she's just a bitch and will have one hell of a nasty cold tomorrow. Either way, I'm home with cupcakes baking in the oven, so I couldn't care less.