Ahh, working above the mean streets of south Minneapolis. Needless to say, I've witnessed some head scratchers. Here's the list so far (minus things I've already forgotten)
1. Man in full on Tux, complete with tails, walking up the sidewalk carrying a white briefcase.
2. Car with round hole punched into the front bumper. I have no clue how this really happened, but I like to think he ran into Thumbelina on a miniature horse. It is a little known fact that Thumbelina is a knight and carries a lance the size of a large pipe. She uses it to joust against cars, or she did once anyway. I know how it ended for the car, not so sure how Thumbelina turned out.
3. Speaking of Cars, there's currently a car parked out front with a large oval shaped indent in the hood. It really is almost a perfect oval, so I doubt it was caused by a person falling on it, but one can dream.
4. A 12 year old (looking) kid dealing drugs from his bike.
5. I didn't witness this one, but my office mate came in rather early today and spotted a prostitute get into a car with a John.
6. The best ever. Figure out what happened here: Van is parked out front. Cop car pulls up behind the van. Cop 1 gets out, brings some papers over to driver of an old van. Not a mini van, an actual van. Cop 2 gets out, his hand casually resting on his gun, and positions himself on the other side of the car. Man gets out, argues with cops. Man walks just fine (this is relevant later) Lots of arm waving. Man signs papers (search warrant?), using the back of the van as a desk. Man opens van. Cops remove a wheel chair from the back of the van. Cops fold the wheel chair and put it in the trunk of the cop car. Man signs more papers. Man walks off down the street. Apparently, he isn't being arrested. Tow truck comes and takes the car (impound?). Cops leave after tow truck.
7. (heard, not seen) Someone yelling like Tarzan. Yes I did hear this on the second floor through the closed windows.
8. Random sock lying on the sidewalk.
9. Group walking down the street. Man wearing jeans so low that they were literally below his butt. No boxers, just tighty-whiteys. Other members of the party were relatively normal. Relatively. Seriously tempted to run after him to ask how they stay "up."
10. Santa. Seriously. Santa is on vacation in South Minneapolis. He just walked past wearing jean shorts, a grey t-shirt, and a black beanie. I managed to resist the temptation of running outside to ask for a pony...or a job.