Anyway, totally exhausted, I crawl in bed feeling confident that I have left myself enough time to finish studying for my exam and still get a good night sleep.
Foiled by insomnia. 3 hours later, I decide to just get up and study some more. Needless to say, I don't think I was on top of my exam game. Also, I apologize if this post is completely incoherent. I will try to at least spell check, but I make no guarantees. On the plus side, I suspect nearly everyone will get a B+ on that last exam. Sometimes, the forced curve is a good thing, especially when the professor doesn't want to grade a lot of exams! (Yes, everyone in the school blows of professional responsibility. The material doesn't really matter until you hit the MPRE anyway. Meaning, I'll be relearning all that info next semester. Yay)
So, here I sit, totally exhausted, listening to the chatter of panicked 1Ls (who have 1 exam left), and I have come to the realization that I AM 1/2 WAY DONE WITH LAW SCHOOL.
It's a revelation that's both thrilling and terrifying. The truth is I love law school. I love the people, I love the classes, and I really love the free swag ("free" meaning $60k in loans/year for a couple of wine and cheese receptions, a few lunches, lots of candy, and some merchandise from bar review courses/westlaw/lexis). Heck, I don't even mind exams all that much. I mean, I could live without them, but given the choice between law school with exams and no law school, law school with exams wins by a long shot. I can't believe that it's going to end so soon!
Here's hoping the next 3 semesters are as awesome as the last!