Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I know this may shock some people, but there are things I miss about Duluth. For instance, I totally miss the fact that grocery stores in Duluth expect you to bag your own damn groceries. As I was buying food to make my sick self feel better, I politely asked the woman doing the bagging to use paper instead of plastic and to fill the reusable bag that I had brought with me first.

She started mumbling about "difficult" customers and then proceeded to put my apples (honeycrisp!) below some cans of soup. Then, when I asked her to put the fruit on top, she glared at me. WTF? If you don't like your job, quit or take a break or something. Trust me, I'd rather do it myself anyway.

I considered finding a manager, but I was sick and tired and I wanted to go home and make cupcakes. Instead, I breathed on each of the remaining items I had to send down the track. After all, I already have my own germs. No worries there. I figure I'll leave it up to fate. Maybe she had a really shitty day too, and the gods of Karma won't make her sick because everyone has an off day. Maybe she's just a bitch and will have one hell of a nasty cold tomorrow. Either way, I'm home with cupcakes baking in the oven, so I couldn't care less.